Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Beau!

One year stats:
Tall and skinny! (What we all wish for)
Height: 30' (59th percentile)
Weight: 20lb. 12oz. (20th percentile)

Dear Beau,

A year ago tonight Daddy and I drove way to fast to Spokane, hoping to arrive before you did.  Thankfully, we made it.  I did not want to miss seeing you the moment you were born.  We checked into the Davenport Hotel and imagined what it was going to be like when we finally did get to meet you.  Little did we know that you wouldn’t arrive until 8pm the next night.  I’ll never forget the moment you entered the world. I fell instantly in love with you and have fallen more in love with you every day since.  I was the first person to hold you and even cut your umbilical cord. You felt so tiny in my arms, and kept making little squeaking noises.  From that moment on, you were my little boy.  You are such a sweet, funny, smart little boy with beautiful blue eyes and what looks to be curly hair.  It has been my honor to be your mother this past year.  Every morning you greet me with a huge smile, lighting up the room and my day.  I can’t even remember what life was like before you joined us.  You completed our family in ways I never could have imagined.  I absolutely love being your mother.  When I ask for a hug or a kiss and you put your head on my shoulder, wrap your arms around me and squeeze, my heart feels like it’s going to burst with joy.  

Things you like right now are balls of any kind, playing in the sand but not the pool in Hawaii, kissing your reflection in the mirror, playing with your sister, playing peekaboo, playing in Cooper’s dog food dish, climbing up the slide on the climber in the playroom, putting stuff into a box and dumping it back out, emptying drawers and your favorite, taking baths. You get so excited when you hear the water running and try to climb in the tub fully dressed.  

There are not too many things you don’t like. You like your bottle (or ba-ba) and have no interest in using a sippy cup or any cup for that matter.  You decided you didn’t want baby food a couple of months ago and instead, insist on having whatever we are having. 

This past year has flown by so fast and I can’t believe you are already walking and talking.  A little boy has appeared where once my baby was. You are ready to take on the world and I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring.  You are a blessing like no other and both Daddy and I are so proud to be your parents.

Love you sweet baby boy,




Or as your sister always to refers to you as, “Baby Beau”.  Your Mommy has summed it up perfectly.  I couldn’t be more proud to be your Dad.  I’m continually amazed at your happy demeanor and endless smiles.  You started crawling at 6 months and haven’t stayed in one place since.  I somehow have much better luck at feeding you than your Mommy must be watching how I eat ;).  You are also already rolling a ball back to me when I roll it to you...can’t wait till you are old enough to start playing catch with the football and baseball.  Speaking of football, you attended your first Seahawks game this year...good thing you won't remember it since they are soooo bad!  Maybe by the time you are old enough to remember Seahawks games, they will be good again (always an optimistic fan ;).  On the flip side, you got to watch the Vikings break your Mommy's heart this year...seems to be a common theme with them.

We are going to be moving into a new house soon which is only 5 minutes from Daddy’s work, so I will be able to spend a lot more time with you and your sister (and Mommy too).  We have been extremely blessed to have 2 beautiful, healthy and fun kids and we thank God every day.  I’m looking forward to seeing what your 2nd year brings...I’m sure it will be even better than your 1st.  Exciting times at the Reid house for sure.  I love you will always be my little buddy!




Mary Liz said...

Couldn't be happier for all of you. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Davis. Happy 1st Birthday!!!!!

Bill Klock said...