Friday, January 29, 2010

Birthday Cake!

Lainey and Daddy baked Beau's birthday cake. They also made the frosting but I did the actual frosting of the cake. Lainey begged for cake all day and finally got to dive in after dinner last night.  Even then, all she did was lick the frosting off.  She is definitely my kid!
This lucky boy got a cake for his actual birthday and will get cake at his party. Wouldn't it be fun if every birthday you got to smash cake? I think so!
I love that he's squeezing the cake so hard that blue frosting is oozing between his fingers. 
By the time he was done there was cake everywhere, frosting in his hair, all over his face and he kept grabbing his hair with sticky fingers and ended up looking a little like Jack Nicholson. It was great!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Great bibless fun. Love, GML