Saturday, January 16, 2010

Beau in the pool

Beau likes to steal his sister's sunglasses and put them on his face.  I'm sure if he realized they were pink with zebra stripes, he'd put them back down. Or, maybe he wouldn't. Maybe that's just how he rolls.  Just in case, I bought him his own pair for the trip.  Did he stop taking Lainey's? Oh heck no! Where's the fun in that?
Unlike his sister, he was not wild about the pool. I don't know if he was bored, sitting in his floatie or what.  He kept holding onto to Grammy, almost like he was asking to be let loose. He did like splashing however. A LOT.

To be fair, he was coming down with a cold at this point in the trip. It would take him a few days to get back to his old, happy as a clam self.  But he never did take to the pool like Lainey.

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