Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why I love neighborhood watch

This morning, my neighbor, upon seeing my open garage door, sent me a text informing me that there was a manhunt going on and asked if I knew my garage door was open.  I was aware the garage door was open but not that there was a fugitive loose in the area.  Without our neighborhood watch call tree, that has all participating residents' contact info, we wouldn't be able to notify a neighbor when they accidentally leave their garage door open, which happens on occasion.  If you don't have a watch set up in your neighborhood, I highly recommend getting one started. I like knowing someone is looking out for me and am happy to keep a lookout for my neighbors. 

Lockdown over at Lynnwood school

11:03 AM PDT on Thursday, September 24, 2009


LYNNWOOD, Wash. -Hilltop Elementary School in Lynnwood was under a precautionary lockdown this morning as authorities searched for a suspect in the area.
The lockdown has since ended.
The Snohomish County Sheriff said the lockdown was a precaution only. The incident started after a collision on I-405. A car was stolen and the suspect took off about a quarter of a mile away from the school, according to authorities.
Washington State patrol canines were aiding the search. Police said they had no reason to believe the suspect was dangerous.

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