Monday, September 21, 2009

Vegas Baby

We just got back from 4 days in Las Vegas. It's the one place we go that I spend less money than Robert. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was for me to relax. I think it has something to do with my not bringing my dslr. I only brought my P&S and took just 4 photos. FOUR!! That has to be a record low for me! To be honest, I did snap a couple pics with my friends' Nikons but not more than a handful. It was a fun trip. We got massages, hung out with former MN Twin Matt Lawton, parked my butt on a pool chair for a full 8 hours and got completely engrossed in my book, shared some good food and laughs with great friends and Robert acquired the new nickname Rusty, which you'll have to ask him about. I came home relaxed and ready to see my babies.


Piper said...

saw your note off to the side about pull ups or big girl panties. The family I worked for had their little guy were big boy undies with those plastic pants over them. Although, I never thought they worked that great. You could try putting a cloth diaper on her for those mornings. You would just need one that does not have a fleece lining because that makes them feel dry. Maybe you already have the big debate figured out but let me know if you want info about the cloth diapers, I know of some trim ones that would work.

Deanna said...

Rusty as in Rusty Griswald?