Monday, September 14, 2009

Christmas in September

Robert called me the other day and said someone offered him a kids slide and wanted to know if we wanted it for the playroom. I said yes, thinking it would be something to keep the kids busy this winter.  He brought it home tonight and it turns out, it's not just a slide but an entire climber!  While Daddy was putting it together Lainey was very impatient and kept asking him if he needed help. Once it was put together, we couldn't keep her off of it.  She was so excited and must have went down the slide every possible way at least 20 times.  In hindsight, this probably wasn't such a good thing to unveil right before bedtime.  She was not at all excited about going to bed.  Oh was worth it.  I'm pretty sure this was one of Lainey's favorite days ever. 
Beau decided he is ready to stand on his own today as well.  He was so proud of himself and was even laughing at me while he did it.  


Deanna said...

Holy cannoli Beau's standing!! And that inside climber is AWESOME! Lainey's face says it all in that first picture. Shoot, Beau was probably so excited that the adrenaline shot him straight up! haha

Mary Liz said...

Cool piece of equipment!! 'Bout time you turned the living room into the playroom. You could also go green this winter and hang clothes to dry on all the levels. Love to all, GML