Saturday, September 12, 2009

End of an era

Today I traded in the infant car seat for a convertible car seat for Beau.  Babies R Us is having a trade in event where you bring in your old one and get 20% off a new one.  Even though I've gotten rid of other things they have outgrown, it made me a little sad to see it go.  The cashier asked if I was turning in a "clunker" and I replied, a touch offended, "Oh it's not a clunker, it has served my family well."  That little red car seat brought my babies home.  After doing what seemed like endless research, it was one of the first purchases we made, along with the red stroller.  I believe we bought it even before we knew Lainey was a girl.  It sat on the living room floor just waiting for its first occupant.  Cooper frequently sniffed at it and even climbed in it once, thinking it was his.  The excitement I felt carrying it into the hospital and putting Lainey and Beau in it for the walk out of the hospital is indescribable.  I'll never forget looking in the backseat on March 5th 2007, and saying to Robert, "There's a PERSON in the backseat!"  Then on January 26, 2009, on the mad dash to eastern Washington thinking to myself, "My son will be sitting back there very soon. I'm going to be a mother of TWO. Holy cow!"  Most importantly, that car seat kept my babies safe and warm for the first 6 or 7 months of their lives and it will always have a special place in my heart.

I'm really not sure why this particular thing has gotten under my skin.  As an adoptive mother I didn't get the "nesting" urge in the traditional sense.  Every purchase or plan I made always had a sense of "if all goes well..." feeling to it. There was always uncertainty and we were (and are) extremely fortunate that everything went well with both of our adoptions. However, the feeling that it might all fall apart and we could come home with an empty car seat was like a dark cloud hanging over me.  So to purchase something like a car seat was a huge leap of faith for me.  Unbeknownst to me, I apparently became quite attached to that car seat.  I guess I learned something about myself today--always a good thing in my book.  I am excited for Beau to try out his new car seat and for everything the future holds for us.  I don't have an urge to have another baby but I will miss being able to just lift that car seat out and put it in the stroller when he's asleep in the backseat.  

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Good job Nic, you choked me up once again! Love, GML