Wednesday, September 23, 2009

She did it!

Lainey went to school today wearing panties and came home wearing the same pair!!   After I nagged her repeatedly, she told her teacher when she needed to use the potty but had an accident at the very end, when the class was playing outside.  I can't fault her for having an accident outside. The play area is just too fun and too distracting for a 2 1/2 year old to remember to go potty inside.  I fully expect there to be accidents and for her to be wearing pull-ups at night for quite some time.  However, I am declaring victory for my girl!!


Deanna said...

Yay Lainey!!! I declare a round of cupcakes!

Mary Liz said...

Hugs and kisses from the North Dakota gang. You did it Lainey!!! Love GML