Monday, September 14, 2009

Notes on Lainey's 2nd day of preschool

Today was my first time taking Lainey to school alone.  It's a whole different ball of wax when I'm the only adult.  Lainey was very excited to go to school, counting fire hydrants along the way.  We were the first ones there this morning. She immediately went to the play kitchen and tried to feed me a sandwich and a pineapple.  I told her I loved her, got a kiss, hug and a promise to be a good listener and left.  She said, "Bye Mama" over her shoulder and didn't miss me a bit.  On the way out, I cried. Shouldn't she miss me just a little?  About an hour later I got a call from her teacher.  THE call. She pooped her pants and needed to be changed.  I got there as fast as I could and discovered the most disgusting diaper I have encountered in 2 1/2 years as a mom.  The potty training is getting kicked into high gear!  After we put on a different shirt, I sent her back to class and when it was all over, she didn't want to leave.  I think she's going to like school.  If she doesn't get kicked out for having stinky pants every day that is.

We've got our first homework assignment, a family art project and I'm so excited to do it with her and Robert.

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