Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Our little girl is exactly 2 1/2 today!

Dear Laineybug,

You are growing up so fast. Next week you will start preschool and although I think you're going to love it, it feels like it's too soon to be letting you go. I used to see the baby when I looked at you but those days are fewer now but once in awhile I see it. You will always be my baby no matter how old you get. You constantly surprise us with your ever expanding vocabulary, sweetness and joy. Every morning you wake up with a smile and have hugs and kisses to pass out to anyone within reach. You are sunshine on a cloudy day baby girl and I love getting my share of "Lainey Love." You astound us with your eating habits. You are a very good eater and at the moment love steak, applesauce, hamburgers, cheese sticks, spaghetti, chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, strawberries, edamame, peaches (including singing the song by Presidents of the United States), peas, blueberries, raspberries and have even asked and eaten SUSHI!!! Your absolute favorite thing to eat however is "birthday cake" which to you, is a cupcake.

Other favorites these days: all things Sesame Street, Silly Songs and any other music you can sing along to, almost daily viewings of Milo & Otis and Homeward Bound, calling Daddy at work, playing with your friends, going outside, finding and holding worms, looking for spider webs and spiders, harvesting the tomatoes and strawberries from the plants in the backyard, playing with Aunt Nan and memorizing and singing songs such as: You Are My Sunshine, Jesus Loves, ABCs, Peaches, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider and the entire Sesame Street and Silly Song cds.

I love you always always always Bug! Happy Smurf Day!

Love, Momma

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Makes me cry. We love you all. GML