Monday, March 30, 2009

A little piece of the past

This coffee grinder was given to my grandmother by her father back before she left France at the age of 18 to marry my grandfather during World War II. According to my aunt, during the war she used it to grind flour for making bread. Growing up it sat on top of my grandparents refrigerator and I used to look at it every time I visited, which was a lot. I never touched or held it, not because I wasn't allowed, but because I never asked. Now I wish I had asked as I'm sure my grandmother had some great stories to share from her childhood. I'm still deciding where I'm going to put it in my house.

Robert and I are planning a trip to France next year and one of our stops is going to Meyreuil, the town where my grandmother grew up. I can't wait to visit the church there as it's where my grandparents were married. The town is just outside Aix en Provence and I'm hoping we can spend a couple of days in that area on our way to Venice.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Wow, that is pretty cool. You must have just gotten it. Heirlooms, you just can't have enough of them.