Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sweet as can be

If it were possible to look into my heart, this is what you'd find. I once told a friend that I had never felt Jesus' presence in my life. My how I was wrong! Jesus has blessed my life in more ways I can't even count. Lainey and Beau are just two miracles He has given me. I really can't believe this is my life. I never imagined I'd have such an overabundance of love, friendship, and pure joy in my life and have to pinch myself once in awhile to remind myself it's really happening. Sure, like everyone else, I've experienced my share of hard times and adversity. And I know there will be tough times in the future. However, those are the moments that teach me things about life, people and myself. More importantly, the bumps in the road make the good times all the more wonderful. And I'm going to soak up and enjoy every second of the good that is my life right now.

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