Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another masterpiece by the amazingly talented Bridgette.

We have been celebrating Lainey's birthday all week it seems. Lainey, Grammy, Nan and I spent her actual birthday doing all of her favorite things: painting, playing with play-do, having lots of tea parties, and enjoying something sweet to eat. Then, when Daddy got home from his trip, we went out to eat at Lainey's favorite restaurant, The Spaghetti Factory. I've never seen the girl eat so much! I'm not sure which party Lainey liked best: the servers singing Happy Birthday to her or the ice cream with a candle in it. Probably the ice cream judging from the way she gobbled it up! Lastly, Lainey had a few friends over yesterday for a party. She got some truly thoughtful gifts and had fun playing with her friends and eating the tops off of 3 cupcakes! It's hard to believe she's two. It seems like it was just yesterday we brought her home. We are both loving watching her grow and learn new things every day though. Her name means "light" and she is definitely brings sunshine to our lives! The art table, sight of multiple masterpieces by two year olds Aunt Deanna's fabulous cupcakes. We have named her the Reid Family Official Baker. They were awesome Nan!! You really outdid yourself this time!

Daddy helping open presents

So excited she just had to be on the coffee table.

Balloons....a favorite thing

Serving tea and desserts to Grandpa wearing the apron Grammy made her. Too cute!

As usual, Beau snoozed through most of the party, content to be held by one beautiful woman after the other.

And lastly, the day after. A lazy, Sunday morning after Beau's THIRD night of sleeping through the night at just 5 weeks. Not to mention the great smiles Beau is giving us these days! Mama is so proud!

No better way to spend a cold, snowy Sunday

1 comment:

Piper said...

Okay, I LOVE the second to last picture of Beau and Robert! You need to send a copy of that my way so I can do some cool photoshop editing on it! And, we still need to get together, this week or next, let's make it happen. This week is kinda busy for me, but I can work something out. Next week is pretty wide open.