Friday, March 27, 2009

Lucky Woman

I've been thinking a lot lately about what a wonderful husband I have and thought I'd share my thoughts. I don't tell him nearly often enough but he is my best friend and love of my life. Along with Lainey and Beau's arrival, meeting Robert is one of the top three best moments of my life. He loves me even though I come with more than my share of quirks--the inability to balance a checkbook, my lack of housekeeping skills, and my general overall goofiness. He works so hard to provide for his family, working long hours, commuting an hour each way to work and on top of that, shoulders the responsibility of being the only breadwinner. He even makes dinner the majority of the time! We've been talking about taking a trip this spring, just the two of us and I really hope we can go. I wouldn't trade what we have now for what our life was like before kids for anything in the world but I don't want to wake up one day, kids grown and look at eachother and not have anything to talk about.

Not surprisingly, Lainey has become a total Daddy's girl and although I'm a little jealous at how she lights up when she sees him, it makes me so happy to see the great relationship they have. She's clearly got good taste in men! Her future husband has some really big shoes to fill!
I joke all the time saying, "Back off ladies, he's all mine," but I really mean it and am so GLAD he's mine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Lord has blessed you both in countless ways!