Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Life at 2

Spaghetti is a surefire hit these days.
Is it just me or is it easy to picture her as a teenager?

Helping to feed Beau. She seems to think he should always have a bottle or pacifier in his mouth.

Reading is apparently hard work and she needed to rest her head while she did it.

(By the way, GML, I saw the Valentine's version of the snowglobe at Target and it retails for $10! We sure scored that day!)

The smile that I live for

Trying to push the stroller uphill. She wouldn't let me touch it.

Beau smiling at his Daddy.
What you can't capture in a photo is that his eyes smile before the rest of his face.

And not to be left out, smiles for Mommy during lunch. He wanted to smile at me instead of eating. He already knows how to make a girl feel special.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Great photos, the clip was precious. I have been having internet problems so this was the first to see of the video. He is gem and a half!! Lainey's looking so grown up. Love GML