Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Laineybug!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! You are growing so fast I can hardly keep up with you! I remember exactly what I was doing when we got the call two years ago today. These past two years have been the best of my life--all thanks to you and your little brother Beau. I'll never forget the first time I saw your face and that head full of hair! You were beautiful then and you have just grown more and more beautiful everyday! Mommy and Daddy love you SO much it hurts baby! You have such a sweet, happy disposition-you are hardly ever in a bad mood and that's usually because you are tired. I think your favorite thing in the whole world is when your friends come over to play. You just squeal and jump up and down when you see them at the door. Of course, your favorite could also be balloons. You have a major obsession with them at the moment. You are really into pointing out numbers and letters of the alphabet, you can count to ten in English AND Spanish, you have memorized at least 10 songs and I hear you singing all around the house--to Elmo, Cooper, Beau, yourself, in bed before you go to sleep, in the car, wherever. Your little voice is music to my ears sweetie. You love to color with your crayons and chalk, smell flowers anytime you see them-including on your pj's, do puzzles, play with anyone and everyone in the play room, read books, and dance, dance, DANCE!!! Your favorite song is still Elmo's Song but I've turned you onto ABBA while we are in the car. You love to clap your hands to Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen. You surprise me every day with something new you have learned and you make me laugh 50 times a day. You are my heart Bug.
Love you bunches-Mommy

March 2, 2007
March 2, 2008March 2, 2009


Karlyn Frantsen said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lainey, Happy Birthday to YOU!!! Have a wonderful 2nd birthday!!!! You are a cutie! Karlyn

Mary Liz said...

This is your golden birthday Miss Lainey Bug: Two on the two. We love you and miss you. Kisses from all of us in ND. GML