Saturday, October 3, 2009

A scare and a lesson

Last night Beau's fever spiked to 102 and freaked me out.  Tylenol had been managing his fever but that was the warmest he'd been.  He was downright hot to the touch, lethargic and not himself in the least.   We decided to take him to the emergency room.  It was then that I realized I didn't even know where the closest ER was.  So much for being a prepared mother.  After 2 1/2 hours, x-rays of his chest, a urine test, a dose of motrin, and a million questions, his fever broke and the twinkle in my sweet boy's eyes was back.   At least our first trip to the emergency room wasn't as awful as I envisioned and he's better this morning.


Deanna said...

I am so happy he is better. That scared me too.

Mary Liz said...

Yaaa, Beau. Love, GML