Monday, October 5, 2009

My Pumpkins Picking Pumpkins

The Seahawks game was not going well so we piled into the car for a trip up to Craven Farm in Snohomish.  Lainey was so excited to get a "punkin" she could hardly stand it. Although Beau still isn't feeling 100% he seemed to enjoy his first trip to the pumpkin patch and even smiled for the camera.  Another first-Lainey's got to experience the lovely Honey Bucket.  Thankfully, she didn't ask questions and actually listened to me when I told her not to touch ANYTHING.  Lainey's preschool is taking a field trip to the pumpkin patch later this month so there will be more photo opportunities for Mommy.                                   Happy Fall!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Love the pictures, what a beautiful day for it too.