Monday, October 12, 2009

Lucky 12th Man

We took Beau to his first Seahawks game yesterday.  He must've been their lucky charm as they played well and won!  He didn't mind the noise at all but hated wearing the ear muffs and when he wasn't sleeping, was trying to pry them off.   I should say, when he wasn't flirting with the girls next to us or watching the Sea Gal cheerleaders, then he tried prying them off.

You may recognize the shot of Robert and Beau over the railing.  I took one of Lainey and Robert  in the same spot two years ago.  That's part of what is so fun about having two kids. All the fun stuff that we did with Lainey we get to experience again with Beau.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

I commented on the facebook photos. No Bug?? Home alone again?? Love, GML