Saturday, October 10, 2009


 I hate when parents go overboard bragging about their kids and how smart, good looking, creative, blah blah blah. an adoptive parent and not being able to take any credit, I am giving myself a free pass tonight.  My babies are beautiful!  I had nothing to do with that and maybe that makes them more beautiful to me, but they are cute kids.  And if you disagree, well, phooey on you!

Everytime I see their little faces, I am reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to be their mother.  They put the sunshine in my day.


Deanna said...

I completely agree, your babies are gorgeous. And I know that Lainey sometimes acts up, but as someone who sees unruly children on a daily basis, I think her and Beau are very well behaved, and that is because of you and Robert. :)

Mary Liz said...

Gorgeous ~ yes they are, and we get to be grandma & grandpa to them. I had nothing to do with any of it but marry your Dad. I am lucky! GML