Thursday, October 15, 2009

Miss Annabelle Joy

My heart is overflowing with happiness for my good friend Amy and her husband Jon.  Last Friday they received a call from their adoption agency (the same one we used) that they had been chosen by a birth mother and that the baby was arriving that day!  Amy is the only person I know who could take something that spontaneous and run with it! And not once, but numerous times!!! Me? I needed those 7-8 months of waiting for my little munchkins!  If ever there was a sign God knew what was best for each of us, this was it!  I met Amy about a year ago in a mom's group and felt an instant kinship with her, only partly because she's a fellow mother through adoption.  And now I feel a special connection to Miss Annabelle as it was me that encouraged them to work with this agency way back in January when we brought Beau home.  So often the past few months I've wondered when they would get the all important call telling them they had been chosen.   Annabelle, you have joined the most loving and wonderful of families.   I look forward to watching you grow and blossom. 

Congratulations Amy, Jon, Benjamin and Annabelle!!

P.S. As soon as I can get my hands on this sweet little thing (literally....she's 5lbs!!!), I will post a photo.

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