Wednesday, October 28, 2009

9 Months!

Happy Smurf Day Beau! You are nine months old today! I really can't believe how fast the time has passed.  I'm afraid to blink in case I miss something! You are so much fun sweetpea.  You are one active little boy, always crawling and getting faster at it by the minute.  You like to climb up onto the edge of the cabinets, coffee table, and oven and chew on the edge and are practicing letting go and cruising along the furniture.  You have four teeth, the top two aren't quite all the way in but you are testing them out by grinding all four together. NOT Mommy's favorite thing you do.  We originally thought you'd be walking by now but I think your focus now is on talking which is just fine by me!  You like to say, Dada, ga, ba and all sorts of squeals and squeaks come out.  You sound like a baby elephant when you blow raspberries and it's a pretty cute thing to watch, if messy.  One of your favorite things to do is eat.  You'd have a steak if we'd let you!  You love to munch on bananas, cheerios, and just about anything else you can find, including Cooper's food.  One thing you do not like is having your face or nose wiped, but other than that, you are one happy, smiling boy.  All one has to do is look over at you and you smile and laugh back and come crawling over for a cuddle.  That you're such a happy little guy just makes my day little man. You are a joy to be around and just looking at you makes my heart swell.

Love you always, Momma

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

What a beautiful big boy. XOX GML