Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 09

Lainey was about as uncooperative as can be so the pics of her aren't fabulous.  We trick or treated to a few houses, with a sick Daddy going along.  Lainey had more fun handing out candy. Beau on the other hand, loves getting his picture taken and the ones of him are adorable.  He just liked being outside at night and getting lots of attention from everyone.  And truth be told, it's about him this year anyway!
So all in all, not a bad first Halloween for the little guy.  I'm sure this one won't rank very high in Daddy's book though.

P.S. Just in case you can't tell, Lainey was Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street and Beau was Kermit the Frog

Friday, October 30, 2009


Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Davis for the pretty flowers!  Lainey immediately noticed the ghost and said the flowers smelled good.  She then proceeded to hit her brother on the head in an attempt to keep him away from them.  She is now spending some quality time in her room, otherwise she would call and personally thank you. Maybe the meantime, I'm enjoying them!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

9 Months!

Happy Smurf Day Beau! You are nine months old today! I really can't believe how fast the time has passed.  I'm afraid to blink in case I miss something! You are so much fun sweetpea.  You are one active little boy, always crawling and getting faster at it by the minute.  You like to climb up onto the edge of the cabinets, coffee table, and oven and chew on the edge and are practicing letting go and cruising along the furniture.  You have four teeth, the top two aren't quite all the way in but you are testing them out by grinding all four together. NOT Mommy's favorite thing you do.  We originally thought you'd be walking by now but I think your focus now is on talking which is just fine by me!  You like to say, Dada, ga, ba and all sorts of squeals and squeaks come out.  You sound like a baby elephant when you blow raspberries and it's a pretty cute thing to watch, if messy.  One of your favorite things to do is eat.  You'd have a steak if we'd let you!  You love to munch on bananas, cheerios, and just about anything else you can find, including Cooper's food.  One thing you do not like is having your face or nose wiped, but other than that, you are one happy, smiling boy.  All one has to do is look over at you and you smile and laugh back and come crawling over for a cuddle.  That you're such a happy little guy just makes my day little man. You are a joy to be around and just looking at you makes my heart swell.

Love you always, Momma

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some random photos from our latest adventures:  After 9 years, Cooper figured out how to claw his way out of his dog house so we had to find a new one for him.  It arrived today and while Robert was off running errands,  my little "helper" and I decided to put it together.

I can't help but think Beau was getting some revenge on his sister when he grabbed her doll. If she'd just let him play with his toys maybe the doll wouldn't have to suffer.

Proof that he's not always smiling.  He's even cute when he's screaming.  And when he's mad, he's really mad!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Miss Annabelle Joy

My heart is overflowing with happiness for my good friend Amy and her husband Jon.  Last Friday they received a call from their adoption agency (the same one we used) that they had been chosen by a birth mother and that the baby was arriving that day!  Amy is the only person I know who could take something that spontaneous and run with it! And not once, but numerous times!!! Me? I needed those 7-8 months of waiting for my little munchkins!  If ever there was a sign God knew what was best for each of us, this was it!  I met Amy about a year ago in a mom's group and felt an instant kinship with her, only partly because she's a fellow mother through adoption.  And now I feel a special connection to Miss Annabelle as it was me that encouraged them to work with this agency way back in January when we brought Beau home.  So often the past few months I've wondered when they would get the all important call telling them they had been chosen.   Annabelle, you have joined the most loving and wonderful of families.   I look forward to watching you grow and blossom. 

Congratulations Amy, Jon, Benjamin and Annabelle!!

P.S. As soon as I can get my hands on this sweet little thing (literally....she's 5lbs!!!), I will post a photo.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lucky 12th Man

We took Beau to his first Seahawks game yesterday.  He must've been their lucky charm as they played well and won!  He didn't mind the noise at all but hated wearing the ear muffs and when he wasn't sleeping, was trying to pry them off.   I should say, when he wasn't flirting with the girls next to us or watching the Sea Gal cheerleaders, then he tried prying them off.

You may recognize the shot of Robert and Beau over the railing.  I took one of Lainey and Robert  in the same spot two years ago.  That's part of what is so fun about having two kids. All the fun stuff that we did with Lainey we get to experience again with Beau.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


 I hate when parents go overboard bragging about their kids and how smart, good looking, creative, blah blah blah. an adoptive parent and not being able to take any credit, I am giving myself a free pass tonight.  My babies are beautiful!  I had nothing to do with that and maybe that makes them more beautiful to me, but they are cute kids.  And if you disagree, well, phooey on you!

Everytime I see their little faces, I am reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to be their mother.  They put the sunshine in my day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Beau likes to lay his head down on the pillows when we play on the floor. We think he is trying to play peekaboo with us.  It's adorable no matter what he's trying to do and I'm determined to capture it with my camera.  The colors in these pics was wonky so I had to turn them B&W.  I'm going to keep trying to get a color shot because Beau's blue eyes are just to die for.  He's also started talking more, saying "ba ba ba, ga ga ga and a little da da."  I'm hoping for a "ma ma" soon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Pumpkins Picking Pumpkins

The Seahawks game was not going well so we piled into the car for a trip up to Craven Farm in Snohomish.  Lainey was so excited to get a "punkin" she could hardly stand it. Although Beau still isn't feeling 100% he seemed to enjoy his first trip to the pumpkin patch and even smiled for the camera.  Another first-Lainey's got to experience the lovely Honey Bucket.  Thankfully, she didn't ask questions and actually listened to me when I told her not to touch ANYTHING.  Lainey's preschool is taking a field trip to the pumpkin patch later this month so there will be more photo opportunities for Mommy.                                   Happy Fall!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cutie Patooties

Cutest tush EVER! I can't get enough of her diaper free bottom

SO happy to see my little man smiling again!

A scare and a lesson

Last night Beau's fever spiked to 102 and freaked me out.  Tylenol had been managing his fever but that was the warmest he'd been.  He was downright hot to the touch, lethargic and not himself in the least.   We decided to take him to the emergency room.  It was then that I realized I didn't even know where the closest ER was.  So much for being a prepared mother.  After 2 1/2 hours, x-rays of his chest, a urine test, a dose of motrin, and a million questions, his fever broke and the twinkle in my sweet boy's eyes was back.   At least our first trip to the emergency room wasn't as awful as I envisioned and he's better this morning.