Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I wasn't alive when Kennedy was shot but I remember my mom telling me about what she was doing the moment she heard the news. I barely remember when Elvis died but again, remember my mom telling me about how she felt. I remember the day Elvis died, Reagan was shot, the day the first Space Shuttle fell from the sky, the day the second one fell from the sky, and I'll never forget watching the airstrikes in Iraq-both times.

While watching the inauguration today I thought of my mom and how it's my turn to tell my daughter about these historic moments. This, unlike the others will be remembered as a hopeful, proud moment.

Lainey lined up her Elmo's and Cookie Monster to watch the inauguration today. She gave each one a kiss and tapped them on the head and said, "Obama." Then she walked around chanting Obama Obama Obama. It was too cool for words!


Anonymous said...

I love this. We too had all the 'guys' lined up for the big moment-- Elmo, Cookie, The Count and Abbie. Barely room for momma on the couch! (: Amy

Anonymous said...

Just saw your Beau update-- I can sense that's he's coming on Monday- my birthday! I knew it!! Are you going to head over this weekend? Amy

Jenn said...

I have a google account now..I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this...How cute is she! Aidan started saying 'Amen' after everthing Obama said..It was awesome...He was copying Grammie of course. Oh, and no more contractions sadly..We tried ;)
Love, Jenn