Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lainey meets her little brother

We got home this afternoon and were so excited to see Lainey and introduce her to Beau. She has been fascinated with him all day and just asked, "hold baby?" tonight. She pointed out his toes, eyes, ears, nose, hair, and mouth and has made sure he always has his pacifier and has been giving him big smooches all afternoon. She has been a great helper, bringing wipes and diapers over to us and just hanging out on the couch. It's a dream come true to see my family all together and complete at last.


Karen said...

I want to hold Beau! I want to play with Lainey! Keep posting pictures of your wonderful family.

Karen Fiechtner

Deanna said...

Oh my goodness! Those are the sweetest pictures! I can't wait to come over tomorrow night!! I knew Lainey would be a great big sister!

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Wonderful! Karlyn in ND