Monday, January 12, 2009

Waiting for Beau

The crib is assembled, we have enough diapers to last a few weeks, formula and bottles are ready to go. Clothes and blankets are washed, but don't get me started on washing the bedding. Lainey's even practicing her big sister skills. I'm busy trying to get the house ready. It seems to me that it doesn't matter if you give birth or "pick one up" for lack of better terminology, every mother nests. The day we got the call that Lainey was about to arrive, I was making thank you cards. This time, I'm planning how to do the announcements. The past few weeks have brought back wonderful memories of our first days, actually hours, with Lainey, stuff I had forgotten about, like the noises she made when she had a bottle, or just how tiny her diapers were. I am so excited to experience it all over again.
The crew that assembled the crib. (Along with the photographer!)

A cuddly lion just waiting for a little boy to love him

All of sudden, Lainey has started feeding cuddling her dolls. When I asked her if she wanted a baby, she said, "No." When I asked her if Mama should get a baby, she said, "yes." Any way you look at it hon, WE are getting a baby!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

We are so thrilled for all you. As you know, we certainly can relate to the adoption excitement, anxiety, etc that you are going through. Bless you all! Amy Hall

Mary Liz said...

Grandma and Grandpa are waiting for the news. Wish we didn't live so far away. We want to meet out newest grandchild ASAP! Love G&G in North Dakota

shawna said...

Nicole, I bet you are getting so excited! I can't figure out which room is Beau's? We are hoping that we will be able to bring Talan home soon too:) Talan is getting close, he is 4lbs. 3.9oz. and 17in. long and drinking bottles of breast milk too. I bet your guy is going to be so much bigger, he, he! Anyways you can check out my blog: to keep updated. We will have to have a play date once we both get these baby boys home:) Good luck to you guys!

Jenn said...

I love the room! It's a beautiful room for a beautiful boy.. You nesty mamma, you. And Lainey looks like she's going to be a wonderful big sister--She's got the feeding position down!! Let's Go Beau!! We are all waiting for you!!
Love, Jenn