Thursday, January 29, 2009


Beau Davis Reid made his appearance this evening at 8:25pm, weighing exactly 7 pounds and measuring exactly 19 inches. By 8:26p, I had fallen in love and by 9pm he had already earned the nicknames Squeakers and Spike. After being in the hospital laboring all day, Jennifer pushed just one time and out he came. Everyone, including Jennifer, was in shock at how fast he arrived. I scored and got to be the first to hold the new man in my life. One of the best moments of my life. He's getting his first bath in the morning and you just know there will be another photo session after.


Mary Liz said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! What a great addition to the family. Thank you Jennifer. Grandma and Grandpa in ND XOX

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Looking forward to more pictures of your handsome fellow~~~ Karlyn in ND

Karen said...

He's absolutely beautiful. You must be so excited.

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys! He is beau-tiful!!

Can't wait to meet him!


Deanna said...

Hey Little man! What took so long?! He's a cutie patootie! I am soooo excited to be an auntie again!

Timmmay said...

The Clarks couldn't be happier to here the great news of Beaux'ssafe arrival. He's beautiful!

Tim, Dee, Phoebe & Aidan.

Diane said...

Congratulations on your new baby boy, he is a cutie just like Lainey. Bet she will love her little brother!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you, and welcome to Beau, that sweet little guy! Jeff and Jean