Friday, January 23, 2009

Dear Lainey

January 23, 2009

Dear Lainey,

Any day now you are going to become a big sister. People always ask me how you feel about getting a little brother and I really don’t think you have any idea about what it means. I know that you are going to be wonderful big sister. You have been so helpful in getting his room ready, pointing out all the animals on this blankets and making the correct sounds, stealing the toys out of his room and reading his books.

Having a little brother is going to be a pain at times. They can be messy and he will definitely want to play with your toys. But you have such a tender heart and are so good about sharing your toys that I know you will be showing him the ropes very soon. You can tell him all the animal names you know and all the sounds they make, how NOT to touch the hot stove, something you have been very good at! I hope you won't teach him how to climb out of his crib or get onto his dresser. One climber in this family is quite enough thank you! He’s very lucky to have you as his big sister! A little brother can also be lots of fun because you have someone your size to play with and teach all the things you’ve learned, like stacking blocks, brushing your teeth, and drawing with crayons. You can teach him all the songs you know, especially your favorite, Elmo’s Song. And boys have fun toys like cars, trucks and trains!

Being a big sister is pretty special. I remember when my little brother came home from the hospital. I was a year older than you but remember that I really liked his little hands, toes and his squishy belly. You are getting really good at pointing out all of your body parts and will have so much fun pointing out his little nose and ears while singing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” to him!

I’m sure there will be times that you feel Mommy and Daddy love the new baby more than you. Nothing could be farther from the truth Lainey. We love you so much and thank God for giving you to us every day. I still can't believe I get to love, cuddle and squeeze you every day! We wanted you to have a sibling so you always have someone to play with and be there for you through all of life’s ups and downs. You may not always get along or want to play with each other every day, but in the end, you will be there for each other your whole lives. And we promise to spend time with you and pay special attention to you so that you always know you are wanted and loved.

All my love,


1 comment:

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

I've been logging on everyday, maybe 3 times a day, to see if there is an update. I can only imagine the anticipation you feel. . . .Can't wait to see pictures. Lainey will be such a good big sister. Happy waiting . . . he really does have to come out sometime. Hopefully sooner than later.

And just a little thought, it probably won't be on the weekend if she is induced. My doctor wouldn't induce me on a Fri - Sun, because he had golf to play over the weekend! so hopefully he comes naturally sometime this week and you won't have to wait through another weekend.