Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mariners Game

We took the kids to our first Mariner's game of the season.  The weather wasn't too bad, sometimes it rained a little , sometimes there were clouds, sometimes it was sunny, and sometimes we got all three!  The kids had a good time although I'm not sure they watched a single moment of the game.  They liked all the food, especially the stuff they found under our seats, thanks to the idiots sitting behind us.  If you go to a game, do me and all mothers a favor. Throw your nasty, leftover garlic fries, Sour Patch Kids, hot dogs, peanut shells, etc,  under your seat and not the seats in front of you.  Little people just love to dig through the goodies they find on the floor.   Besides the buffet, Lainey and Beau really liked dancing to all the music that plays during the game.  I'd never paid attention to the music before taking kids to the game. Now, I pray there will be a song coming up soon so as to distract them!

Beau munching on what I hope is one of the snacks I brought from home and not the fries from under the seat. 

Beverage service

Seriously, all they did was eat! 
To be fair, when he wasn't eating, Beau flirted with the women behind us.

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