Saturday, May 15, 2010

hopes, dreams and plans for summer 2010

eating outside in the backyard
ice cream cones
dirty feet 

splashing in the pool
watching Lainey and Beau play in the backyard for hours on end
boat rides
exploring all the different parks and fun spots in Seattle

cute hats
avoiding sunburns
find where the Deadliest Catch boats are docked
weaning Beau off his bottle and pacifier
the tiniest and cutest pair of Keen's you've ever seen

savoring the smells of summer: lighter fluid and watermelon
sidewalk chalk
walking to the park to watch the 4th of July fireworks

swimsuits and the little tushes in them 
making new friends in our new neighborhood
watching Lainey and Beau chase each other and soaking up the sweet sound of their giggles until someone gets hurt anyway

visits with friends and out of state family (hint hint!)
and lots more that I'm not even aware of or remembering
making lots of wonderful memories, family traditions and cherishing these little ones


Mary Liz said...

What a cute way to "hit" the pending summer.

Your Dad and I are in the conversation stage. Someone (ME, pick ME!!) will be there for the Singapore expedition.

P.S. L needs a pedicure.

Nicole Reid said...

Let's chat tomorrow about the flights. I see your only way out of Minot is to leave at the crack of dawn. Yuck!