Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Tradition

We have made it a habit to walk down to the village after Robert gets home from work, hit the park for a bit, and then head over and get some ice cream.  We'd done it maybe three random times since we moved in when this last weekend, Lainey hopped into the stroller after playing and said, "Let's go get some ice cream!"  I think we can declare it a new family tradition.  

Lainey, with her raging sweet tooth, practically inhales her ice cream cone.  When she's finished hers, she asks for ours.  

Beau on the other hand, is not a fan of cold foods and wouldn't eat his cone. Well, the ice cream part. He loved the cone.  I'm sure his sister would be more than happy to eat the ice cream for him and leave the cone but she hasn't figured that out yet. I give it another couple of weeks.

He does however, have no problem eating Lainey's dinner when she leaves it unattended.
Shhh! Don't tell Lainey I'm up eating her food Mom!
uhhhhh, a camera? NO pics Mom! She's going to be mad at me when she sees me!
Oh, who cares? This is GOOD!
Hee hee!! She's gonna be sooooo mad!

As long as he's eating, I don't care who the food belongs to!

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