Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day.  I can't quite articulate why however.  It didn't used to be that way. I used to dread it with a passion.  I love that we spend the day together but I also love that Robert makes me my favorite breakfast-his yummy breakfast sandwich.  Maybe I love it because I get to be selfish without feeling guilty. I can be a little selfish if you haven't figured that out yet.  Word to the wise-never eat the last oreo or chocolate chip cookie or any kind of cookie for that matter.  Unless it's oatmeal raisin. Then it's all yours!

Anyway, I always have a great Mother's Day and it's thanks to Robert.  He spoils me rotten!  He cooks, cleans, changes diapers, cleans up spit up and barf, takes out the trash, supports me in whatever latest endeavor I've got my mind on, thinks I'm beautiful (I think he may be more than a little blind), puts up with my bad moods and tells me I'm a great mom.  He really is the whole package!  More than one friend has made fun of me and given me grief for how spoiled I am.  But I'm not going to apologize because I chose a good egg.  I love him with all my heart and truly don't deserve him. I don't tell him nearly enough how important he is to me or show my appreciation for him but he's mine and I'm gonna keep him!

On top of all that, on Mother's Day morning he got up super early, drove down to the market to get me flowers, and all the fixings for the breakfast he knows I love.  I woke up too early and found him scrambling around the kitchen trying to get it all ready to surprise me.

Hate me yet?

This year, I received my first homemade Mother's Day gift.  I love that little handprint and will cherish it forever. 

I'll stop there as I know it's a good thing you can't reach out and smack me through the computer.

I love you baby!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Our phone chat was a special touch for me on M. Day. Thanks for calling. XOX