Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Over Mother's Day weekend my Aunt and Uncle from Minnesota came out for a visit.  They hadn't seen Lainey since she was less than a year old and had never met Beau.  We spent the better part of a day together and I it made me happy to see my family on Mother's Day weekend.  It's hard to explain but in a way, when you lose your mom, you lose your history.  I can't have the original but this was a very nice alternative.  Beau and Lainey had a ball playing with both of them and I'm not sure who charmed who more-Beau or my Aunt Jean.  
Unfortunately, I was so focused on enjoying my time with them that I didn't take but a handful of photos.  And to Beau and Lainey, you can thank your great Uncle Jeff for my love of "baby meat."  

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