Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The unpacking progress has been slow going.   
Some rooms are done for the most part....

Others, not so much. I won't show you our room. There are towers of boxes holding our clothes. I haven't found the box with the clothes hangers yet so we're rifling through boxes every day. 

And to make matters worse, this is beckoning us.  Seattle seems to have forgotten it's winter. I have two daffodils that opened yesterday. 
Good thing we're not in any rush to get unpacked!

Everyone, including Cooper, is learning the lay of the land in our new home.  So far the Seattle squirrels aren't any more afraid of him than the ones in Lynnwood.  There's also three cats that apparently love our yard and I imagine it won't be long before they get his number as well.   Lainey and Beau are having fun exploring three floors chock full of stuff they are not supposed to touch.  They are keeping me very busy running up and down the stairs just trying to find them!  Beau has mastered going up and down stairs and has been toddling around the house like crazy. As I suspected, all he needed was a big more carpet to dig his toes into.  Now he's off to the races! 

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