Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Happy Birthday Laineybug!

It never ceases to amaze me how fast the year goes by.  You are getting to be such a big girl, even telling me lately, "I'm not a baby. I'm a big girl."  You haven't decided to be a big girl all the time yet.  You seem to be allergic to walking and instead insist on riding in the stroller or being carried, or as you put it, "I carry you."

Since you're three today, I'll list your three favorite activities. 1. You love to help cook and bake.  Scrambled eggs, cookies and cake are your favorites. You know exactly the ingredients that are needed and get such a look of concentration on your face while you use the mixer, that I can't help but laugh.  2. Watching movies is a favorite activity as well.  You like to throw out a line from a movie once in awhile.  "That's not funny. I know funny. I'm a clownfish," was one I was on the receiving end of the other day. Cars has been the favorite I'd say, followed by Nemo, Charlotte's Web, Milo & Otis, and Ice Age 1 and 2.  You're starting to like Madagascar as well. Why do you like so many movies? Because Mommy goes crazy seeing the same movie day after day so we added some variety.  3. Besides lounging on the couch, you can't get enough of Color Wonder books. You will sit and color the entire book in one sitting.  I don't think we'd have gotten moved had it not been for Color Wonder books, so thank you Crayola!

It's hard to believe that just three years ago, until 2:56pm (a Friday), you were a complete stranger to me.  I didn't get to feel you growing inside of me but knew I loved you before you were born.  Waking up with you every few hours in those early months just cemented your place in my heart.  Every night, about an hour after you go to sleep, I start to miss you and in the morning I can't wait to get some Lainey Love.  You will ALWAYS be my baby girl sweetpea.

Love you always always always,


What better way to start your birthday than with a birthday muffin?

Followed by birthday cake at lunch.
I think she's wishing for a big balloon that sings happy birthday when you tap it. Luckily for her, Grandpa had that covered. 
Daddy's first time being able to drive home for lunch by the way! 

Ever the curious little munchkin, she just had to touch the candle after she blew it out.

Last but not least, how one eats cake, or rather, frosting, on your 3rd birthday!


Mary Liz said...

I can only hope her package arrives today. She is such a beautiful girl and it is so exciting to here what she is up to next. Love you Lainey ~ Grandma and Grandpa Davis

Deanna said...

LOVE it!!!