Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to normal

Not much new to report these days. We're pretty much settled in at the new house and learning new ways of doing things. Lainey and Beau love playing everywhere but their play room it seems, I love LOVE my new washing machine and Daddy loves being able to get home in less than 6 minutes on average.  We love hitting the two parks that are close by every chance we get.  I realized yesterday that I could smell the ocean from here and never in my life did I imagine I'd be able to do that!  We walked to Lainey's first day at her new preschool this morning and I made it a goal to do it without thinking I'm going to pass out. Hopefully I can do it by the end of the school year!  I'm not sure when 5 blocks was enough to make me sweaty and winded but I definitely don't like it!
"You're not supposed to be up there Lainey, but while you're up there, throw down some  more toys I can choke on."
Hmmmm....what else of my sister's can I touch and get her all mad?
A rare moment of tenderness
Beau's favorite part of the day-when Daddy gets home!
Just a tiny bit of the baby visible, otherwise, it's all little girl.
Little daredevil

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

How wonderful!!! Love from all of us.