Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunny Saturday

After learning that the temp was supposed to be close to 70 this weekend, we decided to take full advantage of living in Seattle with a trip to the Ballard Locks.  For those of you who haven't been, it's where ships go from seawater to freshwater and vice versa.  Certain times of the year there are tons of salmon in the fish ladder and a few hungry sea lions.  The few times I've been to the Locks I've never seen a salmon nor a sea lion but I'm hoping to catch both later this summer.   We got an invitation from a neighbor to come over for a "welcome to the neighborhood dinner" with three other families while we were out so we extended our day to include picking up cupcakes from my favorite cupcakery, Cupcake Royale.  Lainey still thinks cupcakes are birthday cakes, more accurately, her birthday cakes.  My hope is Easter throws her off that path but I'm sure I'll be stuck hearing about the Easter Bunny and fielding requests for colored eggs for months to come so that may not be a good alternative.  I love these types of days, just the four of us, no real plan for the day, just hanging out, making memories.  Speaking of making memories, my favorite moment of the day had to be when Beau threw his hat out of the stroller for the 15th time and Lainey said, "Can you pick up Beau's hat please Mommy?"  Such a helpful little girl!
Is there anything hotter than a guy wheeling a stroller? Well, maybe a double stroller! 

Watching the boats come through

Daddy almost lost a finger that day. Never get between a girl and her cupcake!

My cupcakes.  

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