Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Night Before Christmas

Today was a very good day.  After a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies to make cookies, we spent the whole day just hanging out together, playing with Lainey while Beau napped and playing with Beau while Lainey napped. Yep, Lainey took a nap today. I told you it was a good day!  We tracked Santa on Norad a few times, made cookies and my world famous crab and artichoke dip.  It might be a stretch to call it world famous but  hey, it's MY blog, I'll call it whatever I want!

Lainey thought she heard Santa's reindeer bells and a faint, "Ho Ho Ho."  That was all it took for her to fly into bed for the night. She's hoping Santa will bring her a "little camera" and a computer.

This is our first Christmas as a complete family. Robert and I spent 9 Christmases where it was just the two of us. They were very nice, but none of them except our first as a married couple (we were in Mexico listening to Feliz Navidad over and over), sticks out in my mind.   Then Lainey arrived.  Life has never been the same and Christmas is no exception.   My parents made a huge deal out of Christmas, getting us all excited, making sure we wrote our lists, teasing us about what we were getting, tracking Santa (back then it was on tv since there wasn't internet).  I want Lainey and Beau to have those same memories.

This is just the start of some wonderful family traditions and great memories that we'll talk about for years to come.  Mewwwy Qwistmas!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Your Dad and I are so happy for you! Love, GML