Monday, December 28, 2009


Happy Smurf Day Beau! You are 11 months old today!  Where has the time gone? I swear you were just 10 months old yesterday!  You are such a sweet, happy little boy.  In just  a week you'll be taking your first plane ride. To Maui!  I'm so excited to see you play in the sand and in the pool with Grammy and Grandpa.  I just know you're going to look so cute in your little swim trunks too.  We thought you might be walking by now but you seem to be a bit hesitant about it.  You've taken a couple of steps and love to walk with us holding your hand but so far, you're taking your sweet time doing it on your own and that is just fine with me! You are very good at signing and let us know when you want milk, are all done and when you want more.  You also say, "yummy, banana, Mama, Dada, Lainey (usually you yell that one!), and Grandpa."

In what will feel like a blink of an eye, you're going to be one soon. Mommy's busy planning your birthday party. I want it to be extra special for my sweet boy!

I love you so much sweetpea!


1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Happy Smurf Day Beau, one day late. Love, G&G Davis