Monday, December 14, 2009

Spike and the Impalers

Friday night some good friends  invited us to KZOK's Twisted Christmas show at Snoqualmie Casino.  Spike and the Impalers were playing and although Robert had seen them before, I hadn't.  A comedian opened and explained how Michael Jackson had been giving us clues about his mental state through the titles and lyrics to his songs.  Very entertaining.  Oh, and did I mention how cute he is? Very nice show indeed!  During the Spike and Impalers set Hal came out and even sang a song. I can't remember the name of it though, something a little heavier than I'm used to listening to but great nonetheless.  Anyway.....I took a few pics with my new camera.  I was quite pleased with how it performed in such low light.

This is so NOT how I pictured Bob Rivers looking.  Or Spike, or Joe, who wore sweatpants by the way. I didn't get a picture of Joe though.  Spike is the one singing and Bob is playing the keyboard in the background.

I don't think Bob is pointing at me but I was standing on my chair so I guess it's possible.  Hal Sparks is the guy in the blue t-shirt. Not a great pic of him.
Overall, a GREAT night out for this girl!

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