Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great night for a football game

Tonight was the Huskies last game of the season.  It was a beautiful night but cooold! Robert's boss gave us the tickets along with a parking pass that was so close I found the car before Robert.  [If you know me at all, you know I get lost leaving my house so you can imagine how close we got to park.]  We also got to go into the Don James Center before and during the game.  Besides great food, great seats, and the ability to escape the cold, it was an awesome game with the Huskies winning 45-10 AND I got some great shots of the sunset and some sun flare.  If you don't know, I LOVE it when I get sun flare in my photos.  Just a little tidbit of useless info about myself.

Now this is the way to see a game!!  Notice that it's December and it's not only not raining but SUNNY?  SO cool!  I am one happy girl tonight.  Now if the Seahawks could pull out a win tomorrow.....

My favorite shot of the night. The sky was gorgeous.

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