Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

6:30am waking up to Lainey halfway down the stairs saying, "I gotta go see Christmas!"

Santa left an unwrapped present for Beau by the door. Lainey's reaction: "Oh my!"

Lainey didn't quite get the concept of opening presents all at once. She opened one, played with it for awhile, took a break, then yelled, "Let's go open another one!"

Beau just wanted to chew on the wrapping paper and pull ornaments off the tree.

Until he got a package of four bouncy balls.  That's all it took to make him happy.

Mommy just about smoked us all out of the house for the second holiday in a row. That makes her 0-2 for cooking holiday dinners. She is seriously considering never cooking another dinner for her in-laws again.

Seeing my two babies sitting at the table eating dinner with all of us was my favorite part of the day.

"Paper" dolls were a big hit as was Elefun

2009's Best Gift

My favorite pics


Piper said...

Great pics, love the first one of Beau in the hat and the one of Lainey reaching up at that blue thing.

Mary Liz said...

Too cute! I see the barricade was taken down for the festivities. Ya, what is that blue thing? Miss you guys. GML

Nicole Reid said...

The blue thing is the game Elefun. The elephant holds little butterflies and when you turn it on, they fly out his "trunk" and you catch them in your net. Burns a lot of toddler energy!