Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Watch out

Sometimes it's hard to tell when your baby "officially" starts crawling, walking, etc. Lainey took a couple of stumbling steps and then didn't do it again for weeks. I wondered then, do I say she was walking the first time, or when she finally walked a few steps consistently? I tend to go with consistency. Beau has been practicing crawling for weeks now. He seems to be very frustrated in his body's lack of cooperation, like his brain knew what to do but his body wasn't ready. This morning he did it! Just a few inches but his hands and knees got the motions down. Congrats little guy! You've worked so hard! Lainey better be on her toes now! It's not a great video but you try getting it on film. I bring out the camera and he stops to look and smile at it!


Piper said...

Aw, he is so cute!

Mary Liz said...

That is great. I think he looks tall, even in that position. Love ya all!!