Friday, August 14, 2009

Best Pals

Today was the first day in a long time that we had all three "Fun Friday" girls together. Six women and Beau playing in the playroom was quite fun. Beau loves the playroom. There is more for him to discover and he likes practicing crawling on the carpet. While just a couple of days ago he was still getting the hang of it, today he mastered it. I think it was a combination of too many great things to discover the taste of and the carpet. He likes to dig his toes in and MOVE! Now we are that the stage where we have to remind Lainey to watch out for her little brother. She is not graceful in least and he did get stepped on today in the chaos that is Lainey's world. Paige stayed for lunch and while the mac and cheese was cooling, the girls watched an episode of Hi-5. Both of them know the words to the songs and I'm a bit shocked they weren't up dancing. However, they had been playing for over 2 hours by this point. Sadly, Lainey did not take a nap today. I just can't seem to wear that girl out these days.

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