Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Feeding the ducks....and freaking me out

Lainey loves the ducks and other "wild" life at Country Village near our house. A couple of weeks ago when I took her to get her hair cut, she kept asking to feed them and I had forgotten to bring some bread along. So I became one of those mothers and scrounged in my car for anything edible. I found some goldfish crackers and a granola bar and they didn't last long. This time, I planned ahead and tore up some bread and put it into a ziplock bag for her. I planned on taking some pics of her feeding them. Well....I ended up feeding them for the most part. I was not prepared for a goose with no fear whatsoever, a rooster fight and some overzealous chickens. Ever had a rooster look you straight in the eye? It's WEIRD and very disconcerting. They also got too close to my baby for my comfort and hers but I am pretty sure I was more scared than she was. After getting Beau in his car seat and Lainey in hers, getting my camera settings the way I wanted and travel time, our little excursion took about a half hour. The actual feeding of the fowl, 3 minutes at best. And I was totally exhausted!

Holding her bag of bread and so excited to feed the ducks. How do I know she was excited? She let me turn off Sesame Street in the middle of an episode she hadn't seen before. We NEVER turn off Sesame Street before it's over and normally she'd ask to watch another episode.

Even my Lainey who loves bugs and worms and all things dirty and gross, got a little scared. Seriously, they act like they haven't eaten in weeks and there are always people feeding them.
Freaky Rooster. He just looks evil don't you think?
My handsome little man. Just happy to be outside.

1 comment:

Piper said...

Okay, so I live like 5 minutes from Country Village so I thought yesterday that maybe I would go see if you are still there. It was like an hour after you posted on FB, so I didn't want to say I would come because Áine was still napping. Well, we did go down there for a little bit. I see now your trip didn't last too long, so you were probably gone before she even woke from her nap. Anyway, those things totally freaked us out. Áine is always happy to get in her stroller the first time, but we have to be choosy about when to get her out because she will not joyfully go back in. So she is kind of freaked out by the roosters...me even more so, and I ask her if she wants to go back to the stroller and she takes off running towards it. Ha! Those things are scary!