Sunday, August 2, 2009

Seafair Weekend

Like a gazillion other people, we decided to head down to Lake Washington to see the Blue Angels do their Seafair show. Neither Robert nor I has ever really "done" Seafair and considering we left 10 minutes into their show, I think our streak continues. There's always next year I guess. Lainey had fun throwing rocks and sticks into the water and trying to swim with the big kids. Beau kept busy trying to master crawling. He can barely sit up on his own but true to his active personality, is determined to get moving as soon as possible. I enjoyed just being outside near the water with my family. It was a very good day! Lainey couldn't get enough of swimming in the lake.
Odd, considering she recently decided swimming lessons in a pool are not for her.

Snack time

My sweet boy. Happiest when he's standing or jumping.

This toy is ok, but I really want that stick over there.

Hey Mom, check this out!

I WILL figure this crawling thing out!


Mary Liz said...

Looks like a wonderful time. I love Beau's one handed photo. Love, GML

Mary Liz said...

One other comment: Lainey has gotten more use out of that pink shirt. It is her water fashion statement! Just to show how grandma notices and studies the photos. Love and miss you all, GML