Monday, June 22, 2009


Breakfast at Patty's Eggsnest

This is Robert's third Father's Day and the first two were kinda duds in my opinion. My plans just never seem to work out the way I want. So this year, I had lots of ideas and plans. And what happened--I come down with a nasty cold. Nevertheless, I tried my best to make it a good day for Robert. I gave him Sunday morning "off" from having to get up with Beau but he chose to trade it for Saturday morning instead. [He gets up with him on the weekends so I can sleep in a bit.] He went to the casino Friday night and came home a winner so that was good. Sunday we went out for breakfast and pretty much just spent the day at home after a trip to the grocery store. What a day huh? And then HE cooked dinner. I really suck at this Father's Day thing. He is such a great dad and I REALLY wanted to make him feel appreciated. Robert always makes Mother's Day so special for me and I just can't seem to get my act together to do the same for him. I guess I'll have to start planning for next year now so I can get it right for once.


Mary Liz said...

Two little kids are so lucky to have Robert as their Daddy. You too Nicole are a wonderful Mommy. Love the pics. Is that the original "Ride the Duck" quacker around Lainey's neck? A dollar well spent!

Piper said...

Is Beau already sitting up on his own?

Deanna said...

Those pictures are so cute!