Friday, June 12, 2009

Waikiki and North Shore

Most people stay at one of the many MANY hotels on Waikiki when visiting Oahu. In fact, there are only 4 resorts outside of Waikiki on the entire island. We chose this island mainly because we'd never been and since we didn't have the little ones with us, figured it would be a good chance to explore a different island. Honestly, I think we were a little afraid to visit Maui. We've taken Lainey twice and I think seeing all the familar places would have made us miss them too much. We wanted a quiet, easy trip and Waikiki was just not it. It would have been fun to explore that island kid-free as well but in the end chose the Turtle Bay Resort on the North Shore due to its proximity to recommended beaches and activities. We planned on taking a day trip to Waikiki and ended up going there two days. I'm very glad we chose to stay at the North Shore but can see the appeal of Waikiki. It's like Vegas on the beach, a real beach, not like Mandalay Bay's version. The beaches on the North Shore however, were practically empty. A few times, it was just us. Of course, the high season for the North Shore is winter when the surf produces the great waves but nonetheless, it was like night and day difference.

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