Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma "Cougar" Mary Liz!

We love and miss you and hope you have a great day today! This isn't the best picture, but we thought it was fitting for a woman so fascinated with a homeless woman's feet!

Hope to see you soon! Love, Nic, Robert, Laineybug and Beau

P.S. Ok, so I'm feeling a little bad about posting the first picture. It's not a flattering shot by any means but it is how we picture ML: intensely reading her map (she was well armed with them the entire trip) when someone says something interesting and she NEEDS to know what was said due to her insatiable curiosity.
Nonetheless, here's another more flatering photo depicting sweet, happy, loving Grandma Mary Liz. How could we not love you? XOXO


Mary Liz said...
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Mary Liz said...

Forgot a word so I had to redo.

At least you got a good shot of my hair. Love you in spite of it all!! Love, GML

p.s. your Dad can believe he married me after seeing that picture.

Mary Liz said...

Okay, now you are back at the top of my list. Loved my present. I have a cruise scrapbook to put together and the paper and ideas will come in darn handy! Love, GML