Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Final post on trip

Like the weekend Robert's parents had the kids, I feel guilty for not feeling more guilty about leaving them. However, we seldom even get a date night and with Robert leaving for work before the kids wake up and getting home after 6pm every evening, we barely see each other except on weekends. I love my kids more than anything on earth but it's hard being a stay at home mom. While working have their own stresses and worries, I worry about having enough patience, am I teaching them the right things in the right way, etc. Then there's the isolation and loneliness and sometimes, even boredom. It's impossible to understand until you experience it for yourself. It's a lot easier to handle one child than two. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining in the least. I love my life. As the song goes, "life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride." It's fuller and 100 times more beautiful with kids than it ever was without. But it's not really mine anymore. Once you become a parent, they become your #1 priority (or should in my opinion) and your life changes. You change. At times over the last couple of years, I've felt like I've lost part of myself. And I need a break once in awhile. I haven't been the mom I want and know I can be. With any other job, you get a vacation and no one questions you for taking time off. Being a stay at home parent garners no respect in our society. I see and feel it on a regular basis. I want to be the best parent I can and in order to do that, I need to take care of myself once in awhile. So while I missed my babies while we were gone, I enjoyed myself as well. As parents, we feel a responsibility to model a healthy marriage for our children. We know how fortunate we are ;.and thank God every day for the blessings He has given us.

Back to the point of this post, this are the last of my Hawaii pics. Some are dumb and goofy, I know. But what do you expect when you let me loose with no kids and a camera?

My surfer dude
In the background is Laie Point. Created when a tsunami punched a hole in the island!

Red pineapples. Also, sprinkled salt on a pineapple is delicious!!
Who knew?

One final sunset photo. Didn't see the Green Flash but have seen a photo verifying its existence.
We didn't hike Diamond Head or visit Pearl Harbor but we managed to fit in a tiny bit of culture.
This is a WWII bunker a short hike from our hotel.
My new friend that I hope to visit again soon!
Yummy Dole Whip
My favorite food on the island: Kahuku shrimp from Giovanni's Shrimp Truck.
Yes, an actual truck. So good I had to take a picture. I could've eaten it very day.
I signed our names on the truck. Look for us if you go.
"Bob Dole"

Well, that's all folks! Pics of the real stars of the Reid family coming soon!

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